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This is Lily:


Lily is a Junior at Burr and Burton Academy and lives in Manchester, Vermont.  Lily is an amature cinematographer as well as a beginner photographer, graphic designer, and writer. She enjoys learning about all forms of art and is hoping to challenge herself this semester to hopefully produce something really great!

Welcome to Lily of the Valley Productions!


Friends and Family:

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Performing Arts:

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Second Semester - Studio Cinema

About Me

          While this is Lily's first time in the cinematography class, she has taken the Cinematography Camp that runs through BBA and volunteered as a counselor just this past summer. She has always had an interest in film and has gained even more appreciation for it in the past few years due to the weeks she has spent as a middle-schooler in the cinema room during the summer, and also getting to tag along and see some projects in action, as her sister, Sophie, was very active in the cinematography department when she attended BBA.  She hopes that through taking the course, she can learn even more about film and the production process and hopefully even shoot some things by herself, and work on bigger projects with friends, and other members of her class.

          Some of her hobbies and interests outside of school include photography, writing and knitting. She enjoys spending time with family in any form but especially loves skiing, hiking and having bonfires with her family. Lily also enjoys spending time outside (especially on cool autumn days) walking in her back yard or on the wooded paths near the pond where she lives by.

          Lily is also very active in the performing arts department at her school. She has part of the instrumental music ensemble at BBA for the past three years and plays the harp and piano. After school she helps to stage manage the schools theater productions, which she hopes to do more of in the future, Lat year, she did a photography project on stage managing, which is something she is still proud of today. Weather it be through music or theater, performing arts at BBA has truly become her second home and has made many friends while being a part of it.

          Lily's favorite subject in school is English. Right now she is in a creative writing class and hopes to better her writing skills and hopefully be able to publish some writing, or even write something to use in cinematgraphy class. She also hopes that her knowledge of photography( another great interest of hers) will help her when shooting footage (she hopes to be behind the camera for some projects). 


What areas of cinema have you become more proficient in since you took this class?


I have become more proficient in my planning and directing abilities. I faced many difficulties in planning last semester and struggled to find my voice as a leader and a director. I feel as if this experience has helped me 


What areas of cinematography need improvement (how will you make this happen?—be explicit and thoughtful in your writing.


What was your work ethic like when you first took class?


What do you expect your work ethic to be like this semester? (If it is different—what will you do to insure that you work harder?)


What types of films do you want to make this semester?

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