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News Story Ideas:

Idea #1The "Country Store" and its place in modern day Vermont

My Grandma recently got a job at the Dorset Union store, and it got me thinking about how there are multitudes of these types of old country stores that still thrive in Vermont even in our modern, industrialized society. What makes them so successful? What significance do they hold with Vermonters? 

Idea #2 - Introverts: Thruths and Misconceptions

It is no shock to anyone that I am a quiet person, but is that all there is to it? The truth is that there is no one generic type of "Introvert". I hope to interview students and faculty who identify themselves as "Introverts" to learn more about their individual experiences, as well as a fascinating topic.

Idea #3 - The 10 year anniversary of 2008

It has been a decade since the market crash of 2008-2009, an event that had a worldwide affect. What were the affects of it on the people in our town? What was the worst financial crisis that they have ever lived through?

My News Stories:

BBA's 20 Million Dollars

          Me and my group made two news stories in the past week. The first one was on the 20 million dollars donated to BBA last spring. We interviewed Mr. Tashjian, Mrs. Kenny, and Mr, Freebern on the plans for the new building that is currently being planned. I got the chance to interview Mr. Tashjian and Mrs. Kenny. My team had some questions prepared like "How will the new building effect the environment on Campus" and "How does this building fit into your larger view of what BBA will be in the future". We had some trouble with this first interview in terms of sound but were able to make it work once we started editing. We had better luck with Mr. Freebern's interview in terms of sound but I stayed behind and finished editing that day. I was also the Editor for this film.


Editing was my favorite part of this process. It was a lot of fun for me to be able to search through the interviews and find the best parts, and order them in a way that would make the video easier to watch and seem more natural. Jarrett was also able to get b-roll from an actual meeting on the new building which made the story that much better. Personally I struggled with being also being the "talent" for this story. We did not have much of a plan of what we were going to say so our group had to try to make it up on the spot. I also need to work on being more comfortable in front of the camera, because I looked a bit confused and like I was struggling. One other thing I failed to do for both projects was to collect behind the scenes footage, I will be sure to do some in my future projects. I also hope to do more editing to get better and faster at the process. Overall, I am very proud of the turn out and proud of my team for doing such a great job with this project.

iTV Fest

The second News story we worked on was a story on iTV fest. iTV fest is a film festival held in manchester for people who create TV shows as opposed to movies. We met with Phillip Gilpin Jr., the Executive director of iTV fest and interviewed him on what was in store for this year. I was once again able to be the one on our team who was interviewing and asked questions that our group made, such as "what is in store for this year", and "what affect does do you think this event will have on the community. Jarrett did most of the other work for this film including shooting and finding b-roll, and editing it. In the end, it turned out to be less of an interview story than a promotional video, but I think it is still very well done and I am proud of my group in general about all that we have accomplished this week

Other Stuff:

          I helped another group a little bit with their news project. I helped gather lights and set them up and helped with light ans sound checks. Muench also taught me hoe to use a more advanced type of microphone which was very exciting. 

          The group interviewed candidate Brian Keefe of the Bennington 4 district and while I didn't get to do much while the filming was happening, It was very interesting to observe and i am very happy that i got the opportunity to help. I look forward to being able to use what I've learned in my own future projects





I had been thinking about a news story on Galentines day for a long time and I was surprised and really happy that it was so well received. I was talent for this film which was a challenge as i had to memorize the script one line at a time and try to look animated in front of the camera, event though I was often fishing for the words I was trying to say. THhs was a big step out of my comfort zone, and, though it was stressful, it was rewarding in the end. Overall, I think it turned out well and I was happy to take part in creating a more light hearted news story.

Student Council

This was another one of my ideas and I was excited that my group was receptive of it. In actual Student council meetings, we have been trying to find a way to get more publicity and to get more students to know what student council is. I feel as if this news story accomplished this. There were multiple road blocks in executing this film. Firstly, on the day we were planning to film, student council got cancelled due to weather, even though the weather that morning wasn't bad at all, and Sarina had already put all of the equipment in her car the night before. Secondly, on the next Thursday morning when we did film, I was in charge of taking b-roll of the meeting, but all of the b-roll I took ended up being slightly blurry. I want to try to get more used to using manual focus in the weeks to come. Overall, I am happy with the product and can't wait to see the finished news show

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